Friday, July 5, 2013

Nutritional Content of Some Common Soy Foods

As more consumers are becoming interested in improving their health, soy foods have become increasingly popular. A greater variety of soy foods are available, such as soy beverages, yogurt, soy cheese, breads, breakfast cereals and meat alternatives like burger patties, soy sausages and sandwich slices.

To receive the most health benefits from soy, aim to consume 25 grams per day of soy protein.

Here are some great tasting foods to try, along with their nutritional information:

A 250ml serving of low fat soy beverage (protein based) typically provides 8.8g of soy protein and contains 3.8g of fat.

A 250ml serving of low fat soy beverage (wholebean) typically provides 4.3g of soy protein and contains 2.0g of fat.

A 100ml serving of low fat soy based ice cream alternative typically provides 1.9g of soy protein and contains 2.2g of fat.

A 300ml serving of flavored soy beverage typically provides 9.3g of soy protein and contains 4.5g of fat.

A 100g serving of vanilla soy custard typically provides 3.2g of soy protein and contains 1.0g of fat.

A 200g serving of regular soy yogurt typically provides 5.4g of soy protein and contains 2.6g of fat.

A 160g (1 cup) serving of soy beans and tomato sauce typically provides12.6g of soy protein and contains 5.1g of fat.

A 60g serving of soy burgers typically provides 7.8g of soy protein and contains 3.9g of fat.

A 60g serving of soy slices typically provides 11.0g of soy protein and contains 5.7g of fat.

A 100g serving of tofu typically provides 11.0g of soy protein and contains 5.0g of fat.

Source: consumer package information.

Soy foods vary in their protein content, so you should check nutrition panels on your favorite soy foods and beverages to ensure that you are getting the effective daily intake of soy protein for health benefits.

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